5 Reasons to Subscribe to Blue Chip Daily Trend Report Today

Welcome to the Blue Chip Daily Trend Report, a leading stock market trading and investing website, focused on intermediate to longer-term trends in high volume, large cap stocks and ETFs.

We have one of the fastest growing stock market subscription websites on the internet, and here are 5 reasons for you to join us today:


  • Larry Tentarelli is a full-time technical trader and the Editor and Publisher of the Blue Chip Daily Trend Report. Larry is a high-level technical position trader, with 22 years experience, focused on intermediate to longer-term price and trend analysis. Larry’s background includes 5 years with Merrill Lynch.
  • Larry is highly regarded in the industry and is followed by 52,000 people on Twitter, currently including Bloomberg and CNBC personalities, Barron’s, The Wall Street Journal, IBD, Real Vision, the CME, the CMT Association, Stockcharts.com, and numerous hedge fund managers, CMT’s, CFA’s and portfolio managers.
  • He has been sharing his best technical ideas online since January 2013 and now with with our subscribers, every day, in real-time, including all stock buys and sells, posted in real-time on our premium Twitter feed.
  • Larry has been interviewed on numerous podcasts, including by Anthony Crudele for his CME sponsored podcast, and Michael Covel, Michael Lamothe and Dale Pinkert.
  • Larry has been a guest columnist for CBS Marketwatch, Investing.com and SeeitMarket.com, and quoted in Michael Covel’s Book “Trend Following”.
  • Larry is highly regarded as an industry specialist on intermediate to longer-term price and trend analysis, risk-management, trend following and moving averages, in large cap stocks, global stock market indices, precious metals and ETFs.



  • Blue Chip Daily Report had our Subscribers positioned correctly for two of the most significant market moves on record.
  • Blue Chip Daily and our Subscribers were positioned defensively when the S&P 500 broke 3200 on February 25, 2020, and we avoided the vast majority the fastest major decline selloff in S&P 500 history.

  • We started to scale back into equities on March 18, 2020, 5 days from the market bottom on March 23, and alerted subscribers of our plans starting on March 15, 2020 and in real-time on March 18. 2020.


  • Blue Chip Daily and many of our Subscribers currently hold positions in industry leaders Amazon, Gold Miners ETF, Microsoft, Netflix, and Service Now, that we started buying in late March and into April. We have booked partials gains on the way up and still holding those winning positions for between +33% to +67%.Every position stock position that we take includes our stop loss exit point and position size at time of posting.
  • Every posted Chart of the Day and posted Best Idea also has a stop loss level posted as well.



Our Account Open Positions

  • The following data is taken from our website performance tracking spreadsheet, shared with our Subscribers in real-time, to which they have 24/7 access and visibility. As of 8/23/20:
  • 19 of our 20 open positions, currently held in our account are profitable.
  • We have 7 closed winners and 4 closed losers.
  • 10 of our 20 open positions are  up over 30% from entry.
  • 6 of our 20 open positions are up over 40% from entry.
  • The average of the 20 open positions is +34.31%.
  • Our top open position is Square, SQ, at +116% from our May 07 posted Buy.

Posted Daily Best Technical Ideas

  • Every day we post a ‘Chart of the Day’ best technical idea, for subscribers, to this website, our premium Twitter feed and emailed as well.
  • We post one ‘Chart of the Day’ every business day, and on average 2-3 additional ‘Best Ideas’ List posts per week.
  • These technical chart ideas are posted on the Twitter feed and tracked on the website at all times.
    As of 8/23/20:
  • 19 posted ideas are up by 50% or more since they were posted, and 5 are up over 100%, including:
  • Zoom, ZM +168% since our 3/18/20 Chart of the Day post
  • Shopify, SHOP +150% from 4/08/20.
  • Docusign, DOCU +147% from 3/24/20.
  • Tesla, TSLA + 145% from 5/31/20.
  • Apple, AAPL +89% from 4/07/20.


  • Larry provides trader and investor education and development daily through his general commentary, chart postings, educational Members Only Blogs + Videos and nightly market recap videos.
  • Larry outlines in detail, his price and trend analysis, what he looks for in new positions and what he avoids from a risk management perspective.
  • He also spends a considerable amount of time on risk management, position sizing and capital preservation strategies.


  • Larry Tentarelli’s high-level, intermediate to longer-term price and trend analysis of leading large cap stocks and high volume ETFs.
  • Members-Only premium Twitter feed, with regular best ideas real-time charts and posts from 8:00am – 4:00 pm every market day.
  • Daily Trend Report market recap, and best ideas for the next day Report & nightly video.
  • Members only educational commentary, blogs, and videos.
  • Weekly Top 25 Stocks buy list, published every Sunday.
  • Weekly Best Ideas ETF list, and Best Ideas Mid Cap stock list, published every Sunday.
  • Daily best technical ideas, Chart of the Day, Best Ideas list and real-time actionable Twitter ideas daily.
  • Plus much more.
    Join us today to lock in our low subscription rates:


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