Blue Chip Daily Chart of the Week

Blue Chip Daily Chart of the Week:
Roku, ROKU
Close: 368.43
Standard stop: 313.16
Trend following stop: 294.74
please see chart analysis below

  • Roku (ROKU) is one of our top technical ideas coming into the week, is on this week’s Members Top 25 Stocks List and was on last week’s High Beta List.
  • ROKU tested a 7 week high on Friday, on it’s highest daily volume since mid May.
  • ROKU is currently trading over 4 moving averages (20, 50, 100 & 200) sma and rising 20 and 200-day moving averages.
  • ROKU completed a bullish 20/50-sma cross last week, indicating improving near-term price momentum.
  • ROKU had a 31.5% pullback in April/May, and recovered to close on Friday at the highest weekly close since April 2021.
  • 325-350 is a near-term support range and over 380 could signal a breakout higher.
  • Note: ROKU is a higher volatility stock.

ROKU is on our Top 25 stocks list this week for Members.
To see this week’s Top 25 list, join here:

Have a great week,

Larry Tentarelli
Disclaimer – Blue Chip Daily Trend Report












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