Member Benefits

Daily Updates

Premium Twitter Page

Exclusive access to Larry's Premium Members-Only Twitter feed, with market coverage starting at 8:15 am, and top technical ideas for that day, actionable at the market and real-time intra-day buy and sell ideas with charts through the entire day.

Real-Time Trade Alerts

Real-time email notification & Twitter updates of all trading account activity, both buys and sells with stop loss levels.

Larry's Morning Call

3-5 of our best actionable technical Ideas coming into the day, in diversified sectors, including growth stocks, value stocks and ETFs.

Daily Trend Report & Video

Sent every evening, Monday - Thursday, with Larry's detailed markets recap for the day, plus analysis of major macro markets, open positions, and new buy list top technical ideas for the next day.

High Level Actionable Charts

Our top technical ideas in large cap and mid cap stocks and ETFs, with detailed review.

The Chart of the Day

Our top technical idea coming into the day, posted and emailed every market day, pre-market.

Member Benefits

Weekly Updates

The Weekly Trend Report

Posted by 12:00pm noon EST every Sunday and emailed to our members. Our detailed technical and trend overview of major markets and our ranking of top-performing stocks, industries and ETFs. S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, 10-year US Treasuries, Gold & Crude Oil, & our core focus, large cap stocks, plus our top ranked industries and sectors.

Weekly Market's Video

Larry's best for the week. A 25-minute weekly Market Analysis, Trend Analysis and Best Technical ideas video. Our top actionable technical ideas.

Sector & Industry Overview

Our top ranked S&P 500 sectors, and top stock ideas separated into large cap, mid cap, high yield and high beta growth ideas.

Top 25 Weekly Buy List

Published every Sunday by noon, with a brief video. Our top 25 large cap stock ideas, in diversified industries, actionable at the market.

High-Beta/Active Traders List

Our top 20 mid cap stocks for the week, diversified by industry and actionable at the market.

High Growth List

Our top ranked technical high beta, high growth ideas, focused on high growth potential stocks, most often in technology, healthcare, e-commerce, clean energy and online retail.

Real-Time Market Coverage Access

Membership gives you premium access to videos, reports, top trends, market analysis, plus so much more.




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Our Methodology

Our Trading & Risk Management Process

Our trading and risk management process is based on intermediate to longer-term price based technical and trend analysis, focused on reactive, not predictive, trend following and price analysis.

We do not focus on news, fundamental analysis, predictions or opinions – only price. Our time frame is intermediate to longer-term in nature, looking to capture multi-month to multi-year major price trends. We seek to identify uptrends and downtrends, with an objective to participate in the uptrends while avoiding the downtrends.

Our publication is ideal for intermediate to longer-term traders and investors who want to participate in major price trends, and as a key risk management tool.

Subscribers include position traders, long-term investors, institutional money managers, portfolio managers, investment advisors, financial advisors, financial journalists and serious market participants interested in a clear, objective and comprehensive, technical and trend overview of major markets and stocks.